My name is Julio Cordero, and I have been hand-rolling cigars for over 20 years. When I left Cuba 23 years ago, I desired to start my own business where I could hand roll cigars and raise my family in Florida.
JC the Cuban Roller Cigars offers high-quality hand-rolled cigars. Julio Cordero opened the store in 2007 and has over 20 years of experience hand-rolling cigars. Each cigar is crafted with care and expertise. JC the Cuban Roller Cigars also offers on-site cigar-rolling for special occasion events, cigar accessories, and custom-printed rings.
JC the Cuban Roller Cigars sells light, medium, and dark flavors. The cigars come in a handful of sizes and styles. The tobacco leaf is sourced from Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic. The wrappers are from Connecticut, Habano, and Mexico.
We are located in the Heritage Mall of Saint Augustine, off of Saint George Street, in the historic downtown district. Contact JC the Cuban Roller Cigars in Saint Augustine, Florida, for special events, weddings, birthday parties, and more.